sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2019

# NEW POST 470

CREDITOS/CREDITS: MOoH!, .:TM:. Creation:..

Item em Destaque/Featured Item:

Event Exclusive:

Relay For Life Exclusive for SL Christmas Expo 2019 - Open December 5th (6am SLT) to 15th (6pm SLT)
The new group gift for December is up for you. A lovely Christmas tree setup with presents and a doggy that got lost in Santa's sack. And of course a new raffle, 150L gift card and Lucky chairs. 

Links da Loja/Store Links:

MOoH!: Marketplace, Taxi, FlickrBlogFan Page.
.: Tm: .Creation: Flickr Group, Facebook, Taxi, Marketplace

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